Is Cell Phone Marketing the new Internet Marketing Frontier? Marketing Articles | September 10 Ivan Vargic Croatia Jersey , 2009 Cell Phone Marketing is finally here. Find out why Cell Phone Marketing could literally change the Internet Marketing Landscape in the near future.
Usually when a new Internet Marketing method is introduced it becomes hot. The Super Affiliates promote it and make a small fortune. Then tens of thousands of people know about it. Within about 18 months this new method still works for the people who spend full time implementing it but the buzz has died down since everyone is aware it already exists. The new buzz now is focused on Cell Phone Marketing. As early as March 19th 2007 USA Today wrote an article about this. They predicted that the youth of today will bring this type of marketing to a whole new level. This is over 2 years before Mack Michaels came out with his Cell Phone Cash course.
Now Mack Michaels certainly isn't the first person to use Cell Phone Marketing. In fact, companies offering services like we'll give you answers to anything you want. Just text your question to xxx-xxx-xxxx and we'll only bill you 99 cents per question. And hey, if we can't answer it Ivan Strinic Croatia Jersey , you don't have to pay anything. This is just one example. The only problem with this type of marketing is that you have to know what you are doing or you'll just get "stuck". You need a blueprint and a method to get started that will walk you through the proper steps to make sure you can do this right.
I guess Mack Michaels just happens to be one of those technical geniuses that can figure out just about anything, and has an uncanny ability to turn around and teach these methods to others. Before he started teaching himself Cell Phone Marketing he made millions per year with Google Adsense. He had another mentoring program that had over 13,000 members which he charged a lot more for than he is currently charging for his mentorship program on Cell Phone Marketing.
It's hard to believe Ivan Rakitic Croatia Jersey , but Mack Michaels makes over $300,000 per month using his cell phone and marketing stuff to others. The cool thing is, Mack says you can setup one of these campaigns in just one day with any clickbank program. In fact he said this method would still work for you even if you lacked serious motivation. But without step by step directions Ivan Perisic Croatia Jersey , you would probably be lost, I certainly know I'd be. 10 years ago Mack was desparate and wanted to provide his family with extra income. When he couldn't, he went on a mission to become an experts expert at cutting-edge marketing techniques.
His pain and suffering motivated him to want to help others be able to achieve some of what he did. I was debating signing up because this year alone I've been burned dozens of times for crap that never fulfilled its promises. But then I sat down at my desk just thought for a minute that if I could just achieve one percent of his results Gordon Schildenfeld Croatia Jersey , meaning I could be an abject failure at this, I'd fail myself to $3,000 per month which essentially covers all of my basic bills.
For me personally this seemed like a logical decision. When you are as successful as someone like Mack Michaels at Cell Phone Marketing Duje Cop Croatia Jersey , you get to the point where money is just a numbers game. This is when you have two choices. You can either disappear into paradise or stick around and give back and share some of the talent that was given to you. Fortunately Mack has decided to give back to the community and teach people everything he knows about this new marketing approach for only $24.97 up front and $24.97 per month.
He also plans on keeping his students on the cutting-edge with on-going training and providing his students with new tips each month. Being Labor Day weekend I took my mom out to Oceanside Harbor for Fish & Chips in Oceanside, CA. Between her and myself the bill was $27.83 after tax not counting the gas to drive down there. I thought to myself it would have been cheaper to eat a Peanut Butter sandwich and learn his tips. Luckily I had the decision to do both.
But imho if you are a marketer, you should be learning new stuff until you hit the income level you are happy with. If you're not learning or earning there's something wrong and you need to fix it and not allow that mental block inside you to stop you from achieving your dreams. Nothing in life is free but the great news is with a little ambition it's not unrealistic for the average person willing to step up to the plate a bit to make a few grand per month with something like this. And Mack Michaels other mentoring program Domagoj Vida Croatia Jersey , he was famous for personally answering all his emails.
I never quite understood why someone making over 500k monthly personally answered all his clients emails. But then again, his astute work ethic is probably what got him to this level in the first place.
Article Tags: Cell Phone Marketing, Cell Phone Darijo Srna Croatia Jersey , Phone Marketing, Internet Marketing, Mack Michaels
What Is the Best Height Health Articles | December 30 Danijel Subasic Croatia Jersey , 2011 People would like to think about a lot of things when they are in need of buying shoes and there is no exception that shoes design is the main factor they have to take into account. There is a saying ...