The Bible and urban legends are two completely different things Authentic Jorge Alfaro Jersey , almost at opposite ends of the spectrum. They are like water and oil. And the only way you could get at peace with one of them is if you completely denounce the existence of the other.
The Bible is considered the holiest book on Earth--at least, considered holiest by most Christian believers. It contains the word of God, what has been done in the past leading Christianity to become what it is today, and what must be done in the future so we could earn our right to enter the kingdom of the Lord. The Christian faith is deeply rooted in the Bible.
Urban legends Authentic Sandy Alcantara Jersey , on the other hand, are stories that have no basis no matter from which angle you look at it. Urban legends are just that - legends. But some if not a considerable number of Christians choose to believe in urban legends than the Bible. Why is that? Because urban legends are interesting. They incite the curiosity and feed it until it begins to distort our own perception of things around us. No one is immune from this poison: the human mind is a curious thing. Christians are especially susceptible considering their beliefs rely on faith in God's good intentions.
What are some examples of urban legends that are headed straight into a collision course with the Bible's teachings? Let's find out.
Urban legend: The Garden of Eden in the Bible was in Iraq. Validity: False. It wasn't stated anywhere in the Bible where the Garden of Eden was. All it said was that it's "in the East". That's it. Sure, Iraq is in the Middle East, but the description from the Bible is still subjective based from where you're looking at. Arabia is east of Israel and so is China.
Urban legend: Noah's ark was built in Iraq. Validity: False. No one knows where Noah built his famous ark except perhaps... Noah. It was never stated in the Bible where Noah's ark was built. This particular urban legend is pure speculation.
Urban legend: Jacob and Rachel met in Iraq. Validity: False. The Bible said Jacob travelled to Paddam-aram Authentic Miguel Rojas Jersey , a territory of Aram. Aram is an area around Haran which is located along southern parts of Turkey and north of Syria. According to the Bible, Rachel's father lived in Paddam-aram and is an Aramean. These locations are very far from modern-day Iraq.
Urban legend: Amos cried in Iraq. Validity: False, again. The Bible never stated that Amos visited a place even anywhere near Iraq. He visited Israel and Judah but it was never mentioned in the Bible that he visited any place else. Amos cried out somewhere in northern Israel, very far from Iraq as the urban legend claims.
It's clear urban legends pretty much does nothing other than to put a wrong idea in your head. But only if you let it. Before believing in an urban legend Authentic Brian Anderson Jersey , consult that Bible first as it is the only true reference of anything related to the Christian faith. One of the most important factors in Pennsylvania web design for 2011 is mobile access. The smart phone market is increasing and trends in website analytics suggest that more and more people are using their phones to browse the web, shop, and get information quickly. Taking into account the varying screen sizes possible in mobile design, the need for quickly loading websites Authentic Martin Prado Jersey , and the problems with FLASH based websites that do not work properly on smart phones, the following suggestions for 2011 Pennsylvania web design should improve traffic and usability:
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to action. Every page on a website should have a purpose, and that purpose should be easily deciphered by visitors. Make the call to action on each page easy to understand and execute.
k branding and Logo. People searching the web are notoriously impatient, and for that reason, it is important the header of your site display your logo and branding quickly. You only have a few seconds to convey your business before they move onto another site.
er containing table of contents links Authentic Deven Marrero Jersey , contact, privacy and copyright. The footer is a great tool to add links to all the most important pages of your site using your main search phrases. In addition, it is the place where most visitors look for contact information, privacy or shipping policies Authentic Andre Dawson Jersey , and your copyright statements.