1. Don't spoil me. I know quite well that I ought not to have all I ask for. I'm only testing you.
2. Don't be afraid to be firm with me. I prefer it; it lets me know where I stand.
3. Don't use force with me. It teaches me that power is all that counts; I will respond more readily to being led.
4. Don't be inconsistent. It confuses me and makes me try harder to get away with everything that I can.
5. Don't make promises you cannot keep them. It will discourage my trust in you.
6. Don't fall for my provocations when I say and do things just to upset you. Then I will try for more such "victories".
7. Don't be too upset when I say Drew Brees Jersey , "I hate you". I don't mean it, but I want you to feel sorry for what you have done to me.
8. Don't make me feel smaller than I am. I will make up for it by behaving like a "big shot".
9. Don't do things for me that I can do for myself. It makes me feel like a baby and I may continue to put you in my service.
10. Don't correct me in front of people. I'll take much more notice when you talk quietly with me in private.
11. Don't try to discuss my behavior in the heat of conflict. For some reason my hearing is not very good at this time and my cooperation is even worse. It's all right to take the action required Cheap Saints Jerseys , but let's not talk about it until later.
12. Don't try to preach to me. You'd be surprised how well I know what's right and wrong.
13. Don't make me feel that my mistakes are sins. I have to learn to make mistakes without feeling that I am no good.
14. Don't nag. When you do, I shall have to protect myself by appearing deaf.
15. Don't demand explanations for my wrong behavior. I really don't know why I did it.
16. Don't tax my honesty too much. I am easily frightened into telling lies.
17. Don't forget that I love and use experimenting. I learn from it; so put up with it.
18. Don't take too much notice of my small ailments. I may learn to enjoy poor health when it gets me much attention.
19. Don't protect me from consequences. I need your guidance to learn from my experiences.
20. Don't put me off when I ask honest questions. When you continue to do so Chauncey Gardner-Johnson Saints Jersey , you'll find that I'll stop asking and start seeking my information elsewhere.
21. Don't answer my "silly" or meaningless questions. I just want you to keep busy with me.
22. Don't ever think that it is beneath your dignity to apologize to me. An honest apology makes me feel surprisingly warm toward you.
23. Don't ever suggest that you are perfect or infallible. It gives me too much to live up to.
24. Don't worry about the little amount of time we spend together. It is HOW we spend it that counts.
25. Don't let my fears arouse your anxiety; then I shall be afraid. Show me courage instead.
26. Don't forget that I can't thrive without lots of understanding and encouragement. But I don't need to tell you that, do I?
Treat me with respect the way you treat your friends Erik McCoy Saints Jersey , then I'll be your respectful friend, too. I learn more from a model than from a critic.
Remember: When you maximize your potential Alvin Kamara Saints Jersey , everyone wins. When you don't, we all lose.
PERMISSION TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in newsletters and on web sites provided attribution is provided to the author, and it appears with the included copyright Tre'Quan Smith Saints Jersey , resource box and live web site link. Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not required. Mail to: eagibbs@
>Tips For Improving Your eBay Business
Posted by nick_niesen on November 1st, 2010
Is your Ebay business not performing as well as you had hoped? Are you having auctions that do not sell? Maybe the auction is not getting noticed as well as it could. There are some simple tips you can use to improve your Ebay business.
Title of the auction.
The title of your ebay auction is what draws a potential customer to click on your ad. If the title does not catch their eye they will move on to the next ad. If you are selling a baby outfit you might put a title like ?Girls Baby Outfit?. This title does not tell you what size the outfit is Marcus Davenport Saints Jersey , or if the outfit is for summer or winter. A customer would probably skip this ad over and go for one with more information. A better title would be something like this ?Adorable Baby Girl Summer Outfit size 6 months?. This catches the eye with adorable and gives the information a customer would need. It gives the size and tells the outfit is for the Summer. A customer would know if this is something they are looking for by the title. The title will bring the customer in to look at the item your Ebay business is offering.
We have all heard the phrase a picture can say a hundred words. This is very important for your Ebay business. A customer is ten times more likely to click on an ad that has a picture. While you can describe the item terrifically a picture can seal the deal. A picture lets the customer know exactly what to expect with the item. You will want good clear pictures of the items you are selling. This can be a huge improvement to your Ebay business. Simply adding a picture or two of each item you have listed can increase the number of sales you have. If an item has a defect like a stain or hole take a picture of it. This will save you from problems with an unhappy customer later. Take pictures of all angles. Most people want to see an item before they buy it. No matter how good your ad sounds if a person can not see the item they will most likely pass it up. Adding pictures is a simple improvement for your Ebay business.